Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Tonight's Cake

I made this cake for a friend's dad who just fell and broke his collar bone. Ouch!! Anyway, the new techniques we learned tonight were the bows and drop flowers--the little orange ones. Ashley made a HAPPY MAY DAY cake with darling little drop flowers and sweet peas. We both refused to do roses...mostly because they are too hard, but also because they are too ugly!


betsey said...

Yummy! I think you can't help but get better with that good looking cake! The bows look beautiful!

(hopefully no errors in this message!:)

the youngs said...

You are great Betsey...and the errors only make for good laughs!

Lorilee said...

So pretty!
Did you bake the cake in a tube pan? I love the way the edges are so perfectly even.

Anne said...

I am envious of your Marthaness.

Rick and Janae said...

Do they give you special tools for writing on the cakes because my handwriting is not even that nice on paper?!

Paige said...

Wow. I am really jealous of your cake decorating skills. I totally want to do that some day.

Morgan said...

I agree with Anne, you are Martha to the max and it is rad.

derrickfam said...

wow Mariss! That looks yummers!

Emily said...

What a beautiful cake!! You are so talented! I think the flowers turned out perfect.

aSHleY said...

Yeah I think I will take a do over on the beginner course as well.