Monday, May 7, 2007

I need this dress!! Do you think $500 is too much to pay??


CnLAland said...

I think that dress is so "you" Marissa! Hmmm...totally tempting! :)

The Thomases said...

Yes!!! I am all about shopping, but that is way too much to spend on one dress. Think of all the other stuff you could by with that much money!

Rick and Janae said...

I think I would have a heart attack if I spent $500 on a dress. You should make this your first sewing project, it looks totally do-able.

derrickfam said...

buy it. buy it.

aSHleY said...

I think for right now it is a bit steep. But in a few years you can buy all the $500 dress you want when Sean gets his Porsche.

Jamie Sampson Photography said...

I think it is like 7 jeans. Sure they may cost a lot, but honey when I am wearing those hot 7 numbers and looking "Bootie-licous" (an impossible feet in $35 dollar jeans, for me anyways!) I sure am happy I paid the price on the price tag for them. As they say in the credit card world, dress costs $500, seeing your husbands reaction when he finds out how much that dress costs is "priceless".