Sunday, April 29, 2007

A piece of my childhood...

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I don't know if anyone else loved this show like I did, but each night Jadon, my little bro, and I would put on our PJs, snuggle up on the couch, and watch Fraggle Rock before going to bed. My mom put the first season on DVD in my Easter Basket this year and I am loving it!! Great gift and great memories. Dance your cares away.....


The Thomases said...

I never watched this show, too bad because it looks pretty cool! However, that big fraggle looks kinda scary.

L said...

I loved Fraggle Rock! Those little guys had it right--worries for another day! Down at Fraggle rock :)

the youngs said...

The big one is a Gorg and he is scary.


Anne said...

I saw the DVDs at Costco! I am SO jealous!!!

Morgan said...

I HEART Fraggle Rock. I actually still get that song stuck in my head sometimes. Not because I hear it, but because I start thinking about how much I loved that show. That was was like Muppets on crack.

aSHleY said...

I was all about Fraggle Rock in the day, I had a few stuffed animals, I was a bit obsessed.

derrickfam said...

OHhhh....Rocky never knows what I'm singing when I sing "Fraggle Rock" I guess he lived a deprived childhood.