This top photo is of Sean Young, the UCLA Dental Student and this is Sean Young, the actress.
As you can see, the only similarity is their names, but that doesn't stop all sorts of crazy, stalker fans from trying to track down the actress and calling our house. We get calls every once in a while from a "producer" or "screen writer" looking for the female Sean to cast her in thier latest flick, but we got our best voicemail this week from Steven Riley of Colonia, New Jersey. He was calling to see if Sean remembered him from his letters and poetry he had sent her. He sent two poems a few years ago called "I Needed You" and "The Reverie of Sean Young" He mentioned in his message that he thought they were some of his best works and right up there with the likes of Robert Frost and Emily Dickenson--the best poets in the English Language. He also said he would like to further express his admiration and that she should give him a call. PSYCHO!! I actually would like a copy of "The Reverie of Sean Young," so I may give Steve a call....haha!!
Sean Young the dental student looks berry berry esneaky. Does he by any chance know Steve Zissou?
That is so funny! Did I tell you that marc and I have had a similar experience. Aparently there is a pro skater named Jamie Thomas and we get all kinds of calls from tween boys wanting to talk to him. At first we would just tell them they have the wrong number, but we decided it was more fun to play along with them. Ha, ha! We're so mean, "Sure you can meet him. He'll be at West Side Pavilion around 3:00". How do they get our phone numbers anyway?!
Wow, that's one of the funniest things I've ever heard! I bet those poems are just precious.
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