Sunday, May 6, 2007

Husband of the Day

I woke up this morning to Sean saying...."want some coffee cake?" I was like, "yeeeeee-ah!" He then got on the internet, looked up a recipe, and whipped this baby up! DEEE-lish!
So this award goes out to Sean, for Husband of the Day!


Emily said...

Yum...he should share the recipe!

CnLAland said...

Marissa!! Hi!! What a fun blog!! You and Sean look so great! It's fun to find you!! I actually drove by your parent's house a lot this weekend (I was visiting mine) and I thought of you every time I did!

aSHleY said...

My husband would have got husband of the year award for getting up before me and then coffee cake to top it off--we are still working on teaching him how to turn on the oven-baby steps. Nice work Sean.

Rick and Janae said...

I would have to agree with Ashley, Sean deserves husband of the week at least.

Lorilee said...

wow, yummy. Good job Sean.

A | E said...

Hey Guys, just stumbled upon your blog!