Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Critical Mass

Sean and I have found ourselves a bike posse! Thanks to David and Ashley Pulsipher, we have started attending Critical Mass bike ride every first Friday of the month. We meet at the Santa Monica Pier with about 200 other bikes and hit the streets. It's a big group of vigilante cyclists as we take over the streets with our large mass--not breaking for such things as stop signs, signals, or cars. It is meant to promote "more bikes and less cars", which we all know LA could use fewer of. But I just enjoy the ride. There is no set course, whoever happens to be in front simply steers the group. This month's cruise ended up on the Venice Pier after about a 2 hour ride. Radical man.


Anne said...

Marissa, where can I get myself a pair of pants like that? They are gorgeous!

Lindsay said...

I think it's funny that the only two blogs I read faithfully have had a combined total of at least 24 different pictures of bicycles posted in the last two days. Don't believe me??? Check out

David said...

we love being in the bike posse marissa.

i think we should make a name for ourselves. and get jackets with patches.

something like... the mormon batallion revisited

AshleyPulsipher said...

One of my favorite aspects of Critical Mass is the people watching. Remember when we saw Donald Rumsfeld? Okay, it wasn't him, but there certainly was a striking resemblance. I also really enjoyed the jogger who just wanted to be part of the group and didn't have a bike... and come to think of it, no shoes! He just wanted to be part of the fun, poor guy. Very good times. See you guys next time!

aSHleY said...

Only the Young's could ride the beach crusiers and still be able to hang with the real cyclists. I also love that the training pants have made another apperance on the blog.

Anonymous said...

I am totally jealous of the bike posse. It sounds like a blast.

Lorilee said...

Totally radical. I love your gigantic handle bars.

derrickfam said...

There is nothing better than cruising around on a beach cruiser! You luckies!

Jamie Sampson Photography said...

Dude, I gotta get me one of them bikes....

Looks like fun!