So, I am currently serving as the UCLA Apartment Association President. We have "town hall" meetings once a month where we always serve free pizza and soda. This past Wednesday, we held March's meeting. One of the residents, we'll call her Xiang, who happens to be Chinese, came and brought her 60 year-old mother--it is common here for Asian families to have parents and grandparents living with them. (8 adults in 2 bedroom apartment seems like a tight squeeze to me, but whatever...) Xiang used to work for the association, but was a total flake, so she was asked to resign. She came only to collect her stipend check for the few responsibilities she did fulfill. She was surprised that we had not paid her for the full amount. She started to discuss this with us when her mother approached the table and started yelling in Chinese! Screaming things I obviously couldn't understand. So, Ming Tao--my V.P.--had to translate. The mother became so infuriated that we were speaking in English (Heaven Forbid we speak English in America!!), that she picked up my grape soda and began throwing it all over Tao and me! Then, when I wrestled that away from her, she started throwing Tao's rootbeer all over us. (I love rootbeer, but come on!) Finally, after that had been plucked from her hand, she grabbed some pizza and started hucking that at us! Talk about crazy!! So, I had to escort her off of the premises and file a report with the UCPD for assault! When I got home, my white shirt was purple and brown-spotted.
Who throws food?? Seriously?!?!
That is crazy!!! What was she so mad about anyway?
Oh how I miss The Village.
AAAH, the good ol' days! We miss our crazy grandparent neighbors. Thanks for the funny story...memories!
Shing shwang, chee ung luk ting shushu mushi mushu beba. That's what you should tell her next time. Translation in Marissese "Yo step off my yella sista fom da East which-cho root beers and grapes, befores I show you what a real stain looks like...a purple stain on jo-fowhead."
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