Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I Love In-N-Out Days!!

Once a month IN-N-OUT caters lunch at my school. They just drive up their burger mobile, park it in front of the school and serve the kids and the teachers a few double doubles, cheeseburgers (animal style), and the ever popular grilled cheese. It's like a dream come true! There are many great reasons to work in a private school, but I have to say...this is the best!!

(Notice the fountain drinks station--you can pour your own while you wait for your burger--there's nothing better than throwing back a cold coke after a day with the kiddos!)


Lindsey said...

Do they have neopolitan shakes in that mobile?? That'd be bad news for me. Your school sounds like the sweetest place to work ever - sweet field trips, in-n-out, lucky!!

Lorilee said...

I'm green with jealousy.
Talk about a dream come true.

aSHleY said...

I love In and Out, I am also a fan of the grilled cheese. I am coming to your school for lunch next time In and Out rolls up.

Brynn said...

Why do I live in Michigan?!!

Emily said...

Cute Blog! I think it's awesome that In N Out comes to your work...what a treat!