June 1st was the first Friday of the month, hence another critical mass. This month was the biggest posse so far--300+. At one light, we held the traffic up for 6 light cycles--sorry to anyone in a car at that light. I hope you didn't spontaneously combust! We were glad to have Kimber and Chad back for the ride. There were a few riders, however, that we could have lived without--the one with the white flippy hat that somehow kept getting into confrotations with all the drivers and refused to let some pass--dude, we are not trying to take over, just share. As Kimber said, "Can't we just peacefully co-exist?" (or something like that.) And the jogger--who was surely on drugs (because who could keep up with bikes for 15 miles?!?)dude, get out of the way, I bet more than one of us about took him out. I mean, you are more than welcome to join the mass, but watch out for the people on two-wheeled contraptions or they might run you over. And finally the guy drinking out of a large can in a brown paper bag, who got stopped by the cop. When the cop asked him what it was, he said "water." HA! We don't need any under the influence bikers, okay Lindsay Lohan! All in all, good times as always.

Kimber and Chad with their milk crate baskets--last time Kimber found a surprise in hers at the end of the ride.

Ashley drinking the water we were able to run in and get during the "Venice Round About" where the bikes circle about a hundred times and a few get off, stand in the middle and raise the bikes over their heads!

Sean was demonstrating some difficult tricks...

This first one is called the "Layout" because you are just laying it all out there.

This next move is called the "Crunch" because you just scrunch up into a little ball.
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiice Moooooooooooves!!
(Just after these photos were taken, a homeless man ran up to Ashley and said, "I'm gonna kill ya!" Ahh---Venice is one crazy place!)
Sounds like good biking times. So I finally got my cruiser from Nicole (Fred). She actually opened up a shop now. When does this group ride and would it be kid friendly- or is it sketchy?
You could totally bring kids. There are some who do. You may not want to ride the whole course, but the nice thing is you can drop out at any time. What color bike did you get?
definitely family friendly. everyone loves seeing the little kiddies out there.
ashley and i were dying when you quoted the homeless man who threatened my wife's life.
what about the dude who was pissed off at all the people with board shorts and bicycles on the promenade?
he needed a cool down, and perhaps needs to read oprah's "the secret"
I'm pretty sure that the person in the picture with Kimber is not The Chad, but is in fact Farley Mowat.
That looks like so much fun!! I want to come and do it with you sometime.
Court...you would be invited anytime!
Those riding skills seems like they could lead to a broken tooth - though I know a good dentist...
Dude, the 2nd ward's getting a rollerskating crew together, let's fight!
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