Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Good to be a Ute!!

Saturday was a good day for those of us who bleed red as the Utes stuck it to Michigan! Lucy watched her first Utah football game and I think she really liked it!!


William said...

You Utes think you're so great. I mean, c'mon, you barely beat Michigan and BYU absolutely destroyed Northern Iowa. I think we all know who had the better game.

the youngs said...

I hope I am sensing some sarcasm, Willis, because Northern Iowa hardly counts as a team--are they even Division 1???

William said...

Uh, that was the joke. Glad you got it.

William said...

We really need to come up with a way to include voice inflection in the things that we type.

the youngs said...

Will...looks like your cougs moved up in the polls a little--nice work! Where are you these days, anyway??

Unknown said...

that picture of you at the top is like looking at your mom. You look just like her. Seriously does she age? I love it.

Lorilee said...

I'm so jealous of her Utah sweatshirt, I want one for June.

Morgan said...

Go Utes! By the way, your friend William should know that at the U Michigan game when they were showing the scores of all the other college football games, when the BYU score came up (it was still 0-0) the entire Utah section booed. It was really a lovely moment.