I guess she just looks like a baby might look if it belonged to Marissa & Sean.
I guess she just looks like a baby might look if it belonged to Marissa & Sean.
Everyone had to get into groups based on the color of your lei and make up a lip sync/skit to a song. Our song was Surfin' USA. We rocked!!
Next was the "Mule Rides"!! The Mule is this little tractor that we piled in and went for a wild ride through the mountains--Debbie can drive! She also had planted a few folks in the trees to jump out and scare the unsuspecting riders!! Ahhhhhh...
Thank you soooo much to the committee who put this night all together! It was a total party!
So, first off, the luncheon was at this amazing country club. I walked in and it was a social hour. They were serving wine and yummy hors d'vours. (I opted for juice.) There were also several tables set up for different activity/interest groups.I quickly found a group that would be perfect for Lucy and me.
I also signed up for about 5 others!
(Sneakers Walking Group, Scrapbooking, Dining Group, Yahoo Groups, and Service Committee)
Then it was time for lunch, so we went into the dining room. We were organized based on our address, so we could meet other people who live in our neighborhoods.
They had a great presentation--a movie about things to do/see in Nashville, and a few speakers. Then it was time for the all important raffle! And guess who won???
Yep! I totally won--this is my new adorable friend Sara-what a doll!
So, what was in the lovely black and gold sack?
A gift card to the famous Loveless Cafe and some of their tasty preserves, and...
I had a super great time and can't wait for the next activity in a couple of weeks--a poolside picnic at the Vice Chancellor's home! Woohoo. Thanks VHA!
Nashville Factoid #2:
Most houses in Nashville don't have garages or drive-ways, so people just park on their lawn. It is a bit strange to me, but hey, what are they supposed to do?
(By the way, I took all 4 of these pictures from my house-I didn't have to go far to find several folks who just pull up on the grass.)