Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Happy Birthday David + Cake Class = Birthday Cake

Last night we were instructed to make a cake with drunk, pink elephants and since that sounded like a really weird idea...I decided to treat our pal David to a cake for his birthday! He is an avid bicyclist, so here it is! (If you don't know David and would like to, check out his blog--very funny!)


Morgan said... don't know what drunken pink elephants look like? Seriously, wat the hal?

The Morris Fam said...

Your cakes are awesome! How long have you been in the class now. I especially like the Simpsons cake. How are you guys? I feel like I haven't talked to you for forever!

Lorilee said...

love the cake...this could be your part time job. I would order one from you :)
I'm going to call you soon, so you better answer. We have some things we really need to talk about, right?

Emily said...

you are such a creative cake decorator and I'm kind of sad I didn't get to see your version of a drunk pink elephant. :-) Though your bicycle cake looks just as great.

derrickfam said...

Hi there Mariss!! I'm commenting about your Daquiri ice post...Okay, I want you to know this is also my all time fave ever since I was a little girl. I bet I've never gotten anything else from Baskin robbins in my life. Oh great, now I"m craving it. I can't believe you have the recipe!!! Now, I need to know...does it really taste like the Basking Robbins kind or should I just cross the street and buy my own?

David said...

that david guy is a real dork.

Aldred Family said...

ok Mariss, I'm just wondering.. I've been looking at the books you are reading.... baby proofing...then your ice cream cravings... Do you have some news?! ;)