So, lately, I have been noticing that I am even more forgetful and spacey than normal. I call it Pregnancy Brain! I do things like: look all over for my keys only to find them in my hand. Or I will go to the store for a specific item (i.e. Hamburger Buns) and then return with everything but the buns!!
But it was especially bad this weekend when I went shopping with Kimber and Ashley. We went into the Gap on Beverly Blvd, then left and headed to the Paper Source. After which we crossed the street then started back to the car. About half way back, I looked down and noticed I was carrying these babies (see left) in my hand. Yes, I HAD STOLEN THIS PAIR OF SHOES and worse, didn't even notice for like 20 minutes!! I was just toting them around!! So, quickly I ran back to the Gap and told the clerk that I suffer from Pregnancy Brain and paid for the kicks! It's official, I am a shoplifter!
maybe your baby will be blonde. oh, that a diss on myself? Good thing I haven't had the "pregnancy brain" or else I would be really worried.
cute shoes
Crap, I already do the thing with the keys (also have done it with a cell phone) and have also walked out of a GAP with a scarf...only to realize it five minutes later and have to walk back to return it. Does this mean when I am pregnant I am going to be uber-dum?
Oh Maris, I hate to tell you but it only gets worse. I thought my memory was bad when I was pregnat and it's only gotten worse. I've found myself calling Bella, Claira because I'm mixing the names together.
I'm sad to say that doesn't seem to wear off. I think it's mom brain. We unconsciously shoplift all the time - Josie will have something in her hands and I won't notice until we're out of the store, or I'll be trying to keep her under control and just give up and leave and then set the alarm off (to find a pair of jeans hanging on my stroller!) So embarassing to explain that you really aren't a klepto!!
Marissa, that is hilarious! I can totally relate, but luckily haven't yet stolen anything (that I'm aware of!?)
You gotta be feeling pretty good about your new found street cred for having committed larceny, even if it was only petty.
Well, if you're going to shoplift.. it's good you found some super cute shoes to do it with!! j/k. I, along with all the other moms that have commented, have a horrible memory. I thought it was bad with one.. it's totally worse after two!! You should see my sister after 4!! :) Cute post.. thanks for the laugh,
What Up Youngs! Its been way too long. I hope you guys are doing well and loving the California Sun. Congrats on the baby... that is so awesome. I think you should name it Jeff. Jeff Young... Dont you think its catchy? Well, we miss you guys. Well have to catch up when we make it back to the states. Love, Jeff
Marissa, you are hilarious. Love the shoes! Still my favorite color! Maybe I would have stolen them too if I had seen them! J/K
Hey Marissa!
Remember me? I just found your blog while checking out all the old UCLA gang. I am so excited to see that you are having a baby girl. That is going to be one knock out, I tell ya! You look hot, as usual. I might blog stalk you now, so watch out!
xo, Camille
Oh, that is too funny! pregnancy brain is seriously a real thing.
I still do that sort of thing. Wish I could blame it on something concrete like pregnancy...
although that would be a problem, were I pregnant. ;-)
When I was pregnant with Perry, a nurse at the o.b. told me that one's IQ goes down during pregnancy. Especially during the last few months. I don't need to see any studies to believe her.
Anyway...I found your blog through links to other UCLA peoples.. congrats on the pregnancy!!
And I won't usually ramble this much, but...
At our single's home evening a few weeks ago, we were doing a scavenger hunt, and a member of our team inadvertently stole a video game. She did the same as you...took it back, embarrassed. And they laughed. But the important thing was that we got points for seeing a picture of a raccoon there. Important stuff.
Glad to see you're doing well...
I still think any home teacher I have in the future will have a hard time beating the examples set by Sean and John, and their patient wives... But hopefully I'll never go through a divorce in a student ward again. ;-) You guys are the best. (meaning all four of you...home teachers and wives. babysitting, moral support, etc. I'll never forget all that help. And I'm being so cheesy on a slightly public blog. Oh well. ;-)
Good luck with the move! And best wishes with everything.
-Rachel, Perry, and Libby Loveridge
that's hilarious. But the pregnancy brain is true..they did a special on 20/20 or one of those goes beyond just pregnancy, they called it "momnesia".
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