Monday, February 11, 2008

A Darling Picture Book!

The awesome librarian at my school brought me this adorable book today! It is called,

"Ma, There's Nothing to Do Here!
A Word from Your Baby-in-Waiting."

It is so clever, cute and funny! So, for all you mommies-to-be: Beth, Lindsay, Lori, Courtney, Jaime, and the rest of ya, check it out! Here's a link: Amazon.


Aldred Family said...

Mariss, Thanks for remembering my bday! You are the best!

Dr. Joel Henriod said...

Thanks Marissa! I'll have to get that one. Looks cute. How are you feeling?

derrickfam said...

That is so cute! i will for sure check it out. The other day Mylie asked me what the baby does in there all day and I told her she just swims around. Then she said, "don't you think we should put some toys up there for her?" yipers.

The Thomases said...

I definitely will, sounds so cute!

P.S. I'm so excited to hear what you guys are having in 6 days!!!

Andrew said...

"If I could just have the thing and give it to you now, I totally would, but I'm guessing it looks probably like a sea-monkey right now and we should let it get a little cuter." -Juno