marissa and sean met as spartans at south davis junior high, but it wasn't until 2001 when their shared love of utah football brought them together for their first date. about a year later marissa agreed that she did want to be "forever young" when she married sean on 8.8.02. 6 years later, lucy joined the young we are 3!
Look at Lucy growing up! She is so adorable. She has the happiest face, I love it!
That looks like a really fun park! Maybe we could go to that park together! Love you Lu! -Abe
I remember when you got that outfit for Lucy. It's so much smaller on her than before! I can't believe how fast these kids grow up.
I love Lucy. I do. She is so adorable. Soon enough she will be running around the park on her own!
The best part is that it is the second one I bought in a bigger size and even it is almost too small!
Oh, how fun!
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