Thursday, February 19, 2009

Yum Yum Gimme Some...

This reminded Sean of Sloth from Goonies, when he wiggled his ears at the sight of Chunk.  Look at how well she points her toes to eat--great form!


betsey said...

I like the grunting noises that accompany her bites. Very cute stuff.

KQ said...

That's so cute!

L said...

She is seriously darling. I'll be exposing my dreadful ignorance of baby paraphenalia here, but I've never seen a contraption like the one she's sitting in. What is it?

Lindsay said...

Her "more" grunting noises are so much cuter than Cooper's. And so is her form.

Lucy = Little Lady
Cooper = Dude

Lorilee said...

oh I want to eat those toes up.
what is she eating?

Rick and Janae said...

I just saw Goonies for the first time over Christmas and I am loving those little feet, they are very Sloth like, only much cuter.

John and Sheri said...

this is just too cute! hey when are you going to be in LA? or did you come already?