Sunday, August 24, 2008


We were finally able to take some photos of Lucy's smiles today. She usually stops smiling as soon as I grab the camera, but today she was all grins!

The Many Faces of Lucy

First Day of Med School

2 weeks ago Sean had his LAST First Day of School--at least we hope! Med School started at Vanderbilt and Sean is the oldest guy in the class, one of a couple who are married, and the only one with a kid. (Now we know how the Houlbergs and Craguns felt at the beginning of Dental School at UCLA!) So far he is liking being in class again. He takes his PB& J in his Napolean Dynamite lunchbox and Lucy & I take him to school and pick him up everyday. We are proud of our little DDS on his way to MD!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

How Can I Live Without You?

I had my first Nashville Celebrity Sighting this week! I had only been here for 4 days when I spotted her in the isle at Whole Foods. Actually, she spotted Lucy and was smiling at her when I looked up and said, "hi!" Of course it was a county singer--it is Nashville--but Leann Rimes is pretty good for my first, eh? I am still looking for Nicole Kidman and her new daughter. I think we could arrange a play date. Ha!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Laundry Time!

Few things are quite as exciting as your first washer and dryer. Sean got these beauties from another resident for a steal of a deal! They are like new and they don't even require quarters to work!! These were definitely a necessity with Little Miss Lulu going through 2 or 3 outfits a day!

Sean got himself stuck while installing the washer! Ha!

10 Years Later

Our 10 Year high school reunion was held on August 1st. I was lucky to be in town for it...sadly Sean wasn't. Most of you know that we graduated in the same class, so it would have been nice to have him there to parade around as my trophy hubby.
(FYI: Sean was voted "Most Likely to Succeed" in our Senior Class)

Instead, I hooked up with these two yahoos--BJ and Andrew, making my new name:
Marissa Kim Welling-Young-Blaser-Taylor.

6 of the 8 1998 Student Body Officers reunited: Brock the Rock (VP 1), Captain Andy Pants (Pres) , BJ Spooge (VP 2), Hebby (Historian), Kris-10 (Photographer), and Maniscus (Sec.)

Me with McCall and Tasha (McCall's hubby Joel just finished his Medical Residency--lucky!)

Mar & Mar (Marissa and Marilee--my best junior high buddy!)

4 members of the Woods Cross Softball team

Andrew "Best Dressed" Gillman, Collen Waters, and Matt Bowman--3 wild and crazy guys!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Reunited and It Feels So Good...

Lucy got to see her daddy again, finally! We flew in on Friday and she was a champ! She didn't make a peep on either leg of the flights. I was pleasantly surprised.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Nashville, TN

I will post more pictures very soon, but I have to get the internet working on my computer first. We got here 4 days ago and are settling in well. Sean did a fabulous job having the house all ready for us, so we didn't have to unpack any boxes. It was so good to see him again--Lucy loves having her dad around! Stay tuned for pics....

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Today is a big day in the Young Family:
  • It's our 6 year anniversary
  • It's Lucy's 6 week birthday
  • The Beijing Olympics start
  • We move to Nashville today