Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Camping in Sequoia

We packed up the minivan (thanks to David & Hertz Car Rental) and headed up to Sequoia National Park for the weekend with the Pulsiphers, Nelsons, and Cutlers. We spent two nights under the stars--well, everyone except me, who was in a tent on a cot--hey, at least I got my pregnant self out there! We did some hiking, swimming, and observing of nature's beauty. We also observed something that nature never can ask about that, if you are interested...but I am warning you that it ain't pretty! We even had a bear in our camp the first night! Good times...we sure are going to miss our friends here and our time in So Cal. :)


David said...

thank you for all of the beautiful things we've seen this weekend


derrickfam said...

You look so cute!! When is your due date again? Are you delivering in CA or Nashville? Oh man, I probably better just email you with my bombardment of questions. Looks like you guys had fun. Way to get out there and go camping!

Anonymous said...

What a great place to go camping. High fives for sleeping on a cot while pregnant.

Bellblogging said...

That picture of Sean is awesome! And you are looking so cute with that little belly!