Monday, December 8, 2008

'Tis the Season...

Lucy's first encounter with Santa...she was a little skeptical, but held it together.

Decorating REAL ginger bread houses (non of those graham cracker kinds)
at the Budges on St. Nicholas Day!
St. Nick even filled our shoes with treats!

Lucy helping mom wrap some gifts.

Lucy with the creepy huge santa bear from pottery barn.

Santa and the Young Fam, Merry Christmas!


Morgan said...

That Pottery Barn thing is creepy. It looks more like a brown snoopy than a Christmas bear.

Scott said...

Throw some horns on it, and suddenly it's a reindeer!

Rachel JL said...

Lucy looks like you two! (Imagine that.) Belated congratulations! I know, I'm really late.

betsey said...

Love the first picture of Lucy in what I assume is a Marissa original hat :) ADORABLE! She is so cute!!! I want to eat her!

Lindsay said...

She is way cute in her little hat. Your ward Santa didn't look as creepy as ours.

mutze handknit by ashley said...

I miss you. Does Lucy need a new hat? She is sooo cute. When are you going to be in Utah? Some friends of ours just got into Vanderbilt for ortho. I'm giving them your info. You will like them. Merry Christmas. Xoxo. Ash