Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Village of Nash Series: Part 3

NASHVILLE FACTOID #3: When it rains it pours here. In fact, we get as much rain as Seattle in a year, but ours just comes in heavy, quick showers. Today, the sky opened up and it poured and what goes better with rainy days than Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup? Yum....


Kim Silver said...

Is that what your grilled cheese and tomato soup look like? I want to come to your house. But I do agree, I always look forward to the first tomato/grilled cheese of the season.

Nikki, Cody, and Tessa said...

Nothing better than grilled cheese and tomato soup. p.s. You look fab in your pink outfit at that crazy sweet 16 party.

Lindsey said...

I love these Nashville factoids - keep em comin! MMMmm, and I love tomato soup! Too bad it's still 75 degrees here!!
PS: That b-day party looks OUTRAGEOUS!! What a lucky 16 year old! And how sweet to fly you out!