Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!!

Avast ye mateys! It is National Talk Like A Pirate Day. Arrrrrgh....Here be a few good jokes to celebrate the day:

1) What is the new Pirates movie rated?
It's rated Rrrrrrrr....

2) What kind of socks do Pirates wear?
Arrrrrgyle Socks

3) How much does a pirate pay to get his ears pierced?
A buck an ear.

4) What has 8 hands and 8 legs?
8 Pirates


Morgan said...

Dude, Geoff just had to explain the whole wooden leg and hook concept to me.

Also, who is the favorite actor of all pirates?
Peter Saarrrsgaarrd

the youngs said...

Nice one, Mo!!

Morgan said...

I can't take credit, it was actually an SNL skit.

Here's another one...

Where do Morgan and Geoff live?

Shea_D said...

I can't believe I missed this posting. Must be I was too deep in me rum an' celebratin.

Where do pirates go for lunch?
